iQLink XG: News and Roadmap

iQLink XG: News and Roadmap

IQ.Link XG platform was founded in 1990 and is an evolved and mature tool that has the confidence of the leading operators in Europe and America, becoming the standard reference in planning radio links.

This software handles from small networks to networks with more than 60,000 links. The main achievement of iQ.linkXG is the efficient use of the spectrum, which implies cost savings.

The tool has been designed by microwave expert engineers from the American company Comsearch that still ensure the application roadmap and support.

In this article it is shown the actual version upgrade V9.5.2 Q4, 2015 and the expected roadmap V9.5.3 Q2, 2016.

2015 IMPROVEMENTS in V9.5.2

    • Enhanced tools to validate the tools link design.
    • Tools to toggle between design availability and unavailability
    • Printable summary sheet, c containing: geographic profile, Engineering sheet and Design
    • Unique and intuitive graphical representation of the power set.
    • Utilities for radio designs with adaptive modulation and ATPC (automatic transmit power control).
    • Losses obstruction prediction algorithms in urban environments from 6 GHz to 28+ GHz.
    • Massive Import / export links and sites parameters.
IQLinkXG new for radio links planification

2016 expected IMPROVEMENTS in V9.5.3

  • Web Map Services: Ability to read data from the field, their morphology in XG from GIS Web servers.
  • MIMO: MIMO support for link designing.
    IQLinkXG soporta MIMO para el diseño de enlaces
  • Quick link design: Allows a quick radio link design without needing to introduce the radio equipments or antenna information.


IQ.Link XG platform ensures a continuous development and adaptation to the industry and customers needs.

Comsearch evolution and IQLinkXG support

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