Confidencial: Cyber ​​Security Tool


ciberseguridadInformation is one of the main assets of an organization that is normally exchanged through mail messages or instant messaging platforms. In both cases, the entry and distribution of messages with links and / or attachments can originate from any type of origin, allowing the introduction of “ malware files” capable of infecting the computer that opens the mail and originate the distribution In an exponential chain within the organization.

In addition, many of the most common messaging platforms are based on public clouds, not controllable by users or by private organizations committed to security.

Unlike the previously explained, in the platform of confidential instantaneous confidential.png Confidencial, developed by Sortis, the injection and distribution of messages is limited to authorized users, blocking therefore the entrance of information potentially dangerous, coming from unknown origins.

Confidencial plataforma de mensajería de seguridadLikewise, the encryption and digital signature mechanisms included in the platform, in addition to the mechanisms of security of the communications, eliminate the possibility of intrusions by third parties, that in other systems of mail or messaging platforms could take place supplanting to An authorized user or altering the content of their messages by introducing potentially dangerous links or files.


Confidencial plataforma de mensajería de seguridadEven if at any given time, a potential threat finds an entry path in the organization’s systems, confidential.png Confidencial, automatically maintains a backup copy of the messages and files of its users, which allows to restore the information damaged.

These characteristics, together with the possibility of locating the physical infrastructures of the platform in data centers under the control of the organization, place confidential.png Confidencial, as an option to value very positively in the active security policies to be implemented in the organizations to safeguard the information exchanged in Case of cyberattacks.

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